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C5 Petroleum Resin
C9 Petroleum Resin
C5/C9 Petroleum Resin
Coumarone resin

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HX-C9 110
Aromatic hydrocarbon resin
HX-C9 110 is produced through the process of fractionation,thermal polymerization, flash evaporation and molding with the carbon nine as the raw material from ethylene fragmentation. This product is light yellow-brown granules, flakes or bulk solids with better transparency, gloss, compatibility,dissolvability of water, insulation, and excellent solubility and stability to the acid-base chemicals, and good bond and good thermal conductivity and so on.

Binder for asphalt ,paint, adhesive

Specific Gravity (25¡ãC) 1.09-1.13 ASTM D 71
Softening Point (Ring & Ball, ¡ãC) 105-115 ASTM D 28
Color (Molten Resin, Ga.#) 10-14# ASTM D 1544
Idodine Value((gl2/100g) Max 60 ASTM D 1544
Acid Value (KOHmg/g) Max 0.3 ASTM D 974
Ash Content(%) 0.05 150¡ãC, 1hr
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HX-C9 110 is available both in big bags of 500kgs or 1,000kgs net weight and in multi-ply paper bags of 25kgs net weight.
Pelletized forms of resins may block or lump in hot weather climates or if stored near heat sources.
Inside storage is recommended and keep at temperature not exceeding 30¡ãC
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- C5 Petroleum Resin
- C9 Petroleum Resin
- C5/C9 Petroleum Resin
- Coumarone resin
- Dicyclopentadiene

  Office:+86 15842306088
E-mail: sinoresin@foxmail.com
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